Career Counseling

In Seattle, Washington


You may be feeling overworked, unfulfilled, and trapped in an unsustainable work situation. I understand, and I’m here to help.

I help people figure out what’s stopping them from making a change in their career, and what to do about it.

If you’re ready to feel better, schedule a complimentary consultation with me today.

My approach to Career Counseling

You worked hard to get where you are today. Unfortunately, the jobs we idealize often turn out to be different than we expected. You might be wondering what to do next. Where do you go at this stage in your life? What's the point of working at all?

A man wearing a shirt and tie sits on the floor of a large dark room in an urban building. He looks down at his phone in his hands with a tired or concerned expression.

Maybe you're completely burnt out at work. Your boss doesn't respect you or your coworkers are always playing politics. Or everything is fine, but you're bored with doing the same thing everyday.

If this sounds like you, then what if deep down you have other ideas for your career? It's common for many of us to shut down our dreams early on in life. Usually this is for practical reasons. We take a job that pays well or work in a field with ample opportunities. I should point out, these are not bad reasons to take your career in a certain direction!

I want to help you conduct an internal conversation with yourself. I want you to be able figure out what's really important to you! My approach for working with people on career issues takes many forms. One thing we may do is spend some time figuring out your values. You might have a strong sense of what's important to you, but we can figure out how you rank your values.

We can also do some skills work together. Regardless of your career plans, setting boundaries with coworkers can be helpful. Improving your work-life balance means improving your mental health.

Another way I help folks with career problems is by using Internal Family Systems. IFS allows clients to identify the parts of themselves which feel like they are at war with each other. Thinking through these problems about your job isn't easy! You might beat yourself up for thinking that you have to stay at a job that isn't right for you. You also might beat yourself up for not appreciating what you already have at a steady job. Both of those perspectives are valid and can coexist, and you don't have to beat yourself up at all.

We're probably a good fit if part of you knows you want to make a change, but you’re not sure what that is or how to get there. That might be switching industries all together. It might also be learning how to set boundaries with people at work.

I don’t do exactly the same thing as a guidance counselor you might have worked with in school. I don’t offer career tests or employment statistics. Instead I'd like to work with you on a psychotherapeutic level. This means we might end up going deep. We might work on emotional issues or painful memories. Any of these may already have affected your career choices up until now.

If this sounds like you, and you're willing to do the work, then I might be the career counselor for you.

Get help from a Career Counselor

Whatever you’re struggling with, IFS can help. If you’re an adult looking for individual counseling, and you’re up for doing the work, then we might be a good fit. Schedule a free 15-20 minute phone consultation today.